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The bride's bouquet

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buy a bridal bouquet in Moscow

An important attribute in a modern wedding, no less important than a dress, is & nbsp; a bridal bouquet. There are many requirements for it. It should be in harmony with the figure of the bride, the color of her outfit, and also fit into the surroundings of the entire celebration. But the main thing is that the girl should like him and be comfortable. After all, she needs to hold it in her hands almost throughout the entire holiday.

What flowers are used to collect the bride's wedding bouquet?

The color of the composition is very important. Most people choose white and pink colors for their bouquets. Brave girls prefer red flowers. They can be composed of roses or peonies. For weddings organized in a certain color scheme, they acquire blue, green, lilac compositions. They can also be based on roses, chrysanthemums, orchids. Seasonal plants are chosen for seasonal weddings. For example, in spring - tulips and hyacinths, in summer - gerberas and peonies, in autumn - chrysanthemums, in winter - roses.

Symbolism of flowers

  • Roses and peonies - chosen for classic weddings, symbolizing wealth;
  • Anemones - chosen by girls who like fragile delicate flowers, symbolize femininity;
  • Chrysanthemums - symbolize health;
  • Dahlias - like those who love bright accents in the image, symbolize passion and attractiveness;
  • Peony roses - look good with a lace veil, symbolizing beauty;
  • Hydrangea - means aristocracy, blue hydrangeas also mean loyalty and sincerity;
  • Orchids - the choice of extraordinary brides, patronizes creative people;
  • buy a bridal bouquet in Moscow
  • Callas - will look good in the hands of tall slender girls, denote care;
  • Ranunculus - choose light and sociable brides, they symbolize happiness;
  • Gerberas mean friendship, strong affection.

Shape of wedding bouquets

  • Classic hemispheres;
  • Drop-shaped - vertically elongated;
  • Cascading - with flowing flowers or leaves, the length of such a structure can be equal to the hem of the dress - to the floor;
  • Glamelia - bouquets of one flower. Florists collect it by hand from rose or peony petals.

Where to order a bridal bouquet?

The easiest way to buy a bridal bouquet is in an online store with delivery in Moscow. There is more choice and lower prices. You can find an inexpensive but effective option. There are about two hundred compositions on our site. Call and order, we will be happy to help you!

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