Birthday flowers are the most common gift. Birthday is a celebration of one person, so the bouquet should reflect his personality. It is not difficult to choose a bouquet that suits a person in character. To do this, you can use the following recommendations of florists and psychologists.
- A bouquet for a beloved girl should be different from the bouquets of other guests. If you wish your darling happy birthday, choose for this occasion red or pink roses that symbolize love.
- If you congratulate your friend, then pay attention to neutral bouquets, for example, tulips, chrysanthemums, lilies.
- Emotional people usually prefer bright bouquets, restrained - laconic compositions.
- If you are invited to a small family holiday, a huge bouquet may be inappropriate, as well as a miniature bouquet at a gala banquet. & nbsp;
- You can also give flowers to men. Monochromatic compositions or bouquets of an elongated shape without shiny accessories in a modest package are considered masculine.
A birthday bouquet can be an independent gift, or an addition to the main one. We advise you, if you know that many guests are invited to the holiday, to buy a bouquet in a hat box or basket. Such a composition does not require a vase, which means that it will not cause any trouble to the birthday girl.
In our online store in Moscow you can order & nbsp; flowers with delivery from anywhere in the world around the clock. We have a very flexible payment system. Call and order, we will be happy to help you!