Bouquet of 35 roses

Bouquet of 35 roses "Anelia"
Bouquet of 35 roses "Anelia"
4950 ₽
Bouquet of roses "First Date"
Bouquet of roses "First Date"
4950 ₽
Heart of roses "Muse of Love"
Heart of roses "Muse of Love"
6150 ₽
Pink heart "Sweet Lips"
Pink heart "Sweet Lips"
7600 ₽
Colored roses "Socialite"
Colored roses "Socialite"
5200 ₽

A bouquet of 35 roses is an opportunity to express feelings, to confess love to a partner or respect to a colleague. The section has a large selection of compositions of different colors and sizes. You can buy bouquets of 35 roses and order delivery to the recipient by phone or online.


Ordering flowers online is convenient and practical, as it eliminates the need to spend time looking for the nearest store or arrangement that will satisfy your preferences. Our company employs experienced florists who love their job.

We collect bouquets of 35 pieces for:





make a deal;



Virtual storefronts make it possible to view available options from home or office. If the desired composition was not found in the catalog, our employees will collect an individual order on the day of the request. Popular shades:

White. The color of tenderness and innocence. Such bouquets are given for dates or during a marriage proposal.

Red. Expresses passionate love, suits bright and romantic natures.

Yellow. A warm color that will look attractive in a composition for a colleague, boss or girlfriend.

Orange. The color of romantics, a great addition to spring greetings.

Burgundy. Demonstrates respect, therefore it is often found in compositions for bosses or colleagues.

If desired, you can collect a bouquet of different shades that will complement each other. Also, florists will complement the queen of flowers with other vegetation, select packaging and decor.

A bouquet of roses is a welcome gift. The catalog has a large selection of varieties of fragrant flowers. We collect bouquets of different shades, in the compositions there are flowers with different stem lengths and unique aromas.

Why are we

You can buy a bouquet of 35 roses on the portal of our company. To order, add the product to the basket or leave a request to arrange the production of a unique composition. Pros of buying flowers:

affordable prices;

delivery to the recipient;


photo of the bouquet before sending;

fresh flowers.

We are ready to replace the bouquet with a new one within 24 hours from the moment of delivery, if you are not satisfied with the quality of the flowers. You can also attach a postcard, a soft toy or a note with pleasant wishes to the composition.

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