Beloved Flowers
The most beautiful and special bouquets florists create for lovers. Compositions expressing love are as diverse as life itself. In this category you can find small modest bouquets for first dates, luxurious compositions for a wedding or engagement, exotic art bouquets, graceful flowers in hat boxes, baskets, envelopes or laconic compositions of one flower.

What flowers do florists recommend as a romantic gift?
For convenience of choice, let's designate the seven most romantic flowers that are very popular.
- In the first place - the queen of flowers rose. If a man gives roses, then he is in love. This is often taken as an axiom.
- Ranunculus are in second place. Their gentle charm will not leave anyone indifferent, as if they were created especially for lovers.
- Peonies are in third place. Lush, delicate, fragrant summer flowers delight all women, without exception.
- Orchids are in fourth place. These tropical beauties are the best compliment for any woman, as they are a symbol of excellence and impeccable taste.
- Tulips are in fifth place. Tulips have always been symbols of love and spring. They have the same meaning for all generations of men and women.
- Chrysanthemums are in sixth place. These are the most commonly purchased flowers due to their low cost. However, the variety of their types makes the bouquets of them unrealistically beautiful, striking the imagination.
- The seventh place is for wildflowers. Still, for Russian women, sometimes there is nothing dearer than daisies, cornflowers, forget-me-nots and sunflowers.
Fashionable romantic bouquets
Of course, these are not all varieties of flowers that can be presented to your beloved. But you can't list all of them. We should also note the increasingly popular bouquets in the style of "Provence" - these are compositions of garden and wild flowers in muted shades, abundantly seasoned with greenery. These bouquets look quite disheveled and natural, as if someone just picked them up in a meadow.
Alternative gifts
In addition, when choosing a bouquet for your beloved, pay attention to chocolate flowers. In our online store you can buy a bouquet of chocolate roses, plush toys or sweets. We offer a large selection of compositions worth up to three thousand rubles with delivery throughout Russia. You can familiarize yourself with the tariffs on our website. You can place your order around the clock.