Flowers for Valentine's Day

Bouquet of spray roses "Kiss"
Bouquet of spray roses "Kiss"
2250 ₽
Basik in a sweater with a heart
Basik in a sweater with a heart
2700 ₽
Bouquet of roses "Stranger"
Bouquet of roses "Stranger"
2450 ₽
Red roses "Elizabeth II"
Red roses "Elizabeth II"
2700 ₽
Bouquet of pink roses "Charm"
Bouquet of pink roses "Charm"
2350 ₽
Two-tone bouquet "Confetti"
Two-tone bouquet "Confetti"
4200 ₽
White and pink roses "Menorca"
White and pink roses "Menorca"
3000 ₽
Irises and roses "Kaleidoscope" -7%
Irises and roses "Kaleidoscope"
3800 ₽ 3550 ₽
Red roses "Aphrodite"
Red roses "Aphrodite"
4200 ₽ 3800 ₽
11 bush roses "Necklace"
11 bush roses "Necklace"
3000 ₽
Pink roses "Miss Piggy"
Pink roses "Miss Piggy"
3550 ₽
Bouquet of Roses "Peach Avalange"
Bouquet of Roses "Peach Avalange"
7250 ₽
Jamila in a box "Mombacho"
Jamila in a box "Mombacho"
3600 ₽
Bouquet of 35 roses "Anelia"
Bouquet of 35 roses "Anelia"
4950 ₽
Flower heart "Coconut Rose"
Flower heart "Coconut Rose"
3800 ₽
Bartholomew in a vest
Bartholomew in a vest
2800 ₽
Kenyan roses "Bright Love"
Kenyan roses "Bright Love"
3350 ₽
Compact bouquet "Arabesque"
Compact bouquet "Arabesque"
3000 ₽
Roses and irises "White Lake"
Roses and irises "White Lake"
5100 ₽
Bouquet of roses "Jamilya"
Bouquet of roses "Jamilya"
3650 ₽
Small bouquet "Tradition"
Small bouquet "Tradition"
1900 ₽
Box of red roses "Tiffany"
Box of red roses "Tiffany"
6500 ₽
White roses "Blanca"
White roses "Blanca"
2250 ₽

A bouquet for the holiday of love on a cold February day will warm the heart, and some may melt it. In the middle of winter, there is so much lack of warmth and light! This also affects relationships. Don't let them wither in the middle of winter! Flowers on such days will cheer up, warm up feelings. Taking this opportunity, give your loved ones gifts, and we will help you with this!

Flowers for Valentine's Day

Flowers for this holiday are appropriate to choose absolutely any. However, do not grab the first bouquet that comes along from the window. With the help of a gift, you can please your beloved, once again showing your best side, but you can also disappoint. Any girl at first glance at the bouquet will understand whether feelings are embedded in it. Flowers hastily snatched from a florist do not mean anything, do not symbolize and do not evoke a response in the soul. Maybe even upset. But the bouquet, selected with diligence and love, will only strengthen your feelings and relationships.

What flowers are suitable for your beloved?

Rose is the best-selling flower that day. We can say that this is a universal gift option. And, if you are not familiar yet, and it is important for you to show attention - this is your case. If your relationship has gone through more than one holiday, and every time you give your beloved a rose, think, maybe this time it is worth surprising her. In general, in this case, a rose can become a banal gift. And the banality of many is depressing. In this case, the color of the rose matters. Pay attention to the blue ones - this is unusual. They symbolize the fulfillment of hopes. Pink and white roses are more suitable for young girls, red and burgundy - for passionate natures. However, everything is individual. When choosing a flower, consider the nature of your passion and consult a florist.

Pay attention to gerberas. These are the sunniest and most cheerful flowers in the world. They resemble the sun in shape and the colors of gerberas are rich, summer. To cheer up in February frosts - this may be the most suitable option. If there is no need to hint at love and passion (it is best to do this with the help of red, burgundy or crimson roses), if you just want to please and surprise, give gerberas. They are great antidepressants - they awaken creativity, banish bad moods and winter blues.

Is your beloved graceful and mysterious, maybe extravagant and mysterious from time to time? There are flowers with the same character - these are orchids! Each orchid flower can be considered unique and unique in its own way. In our latitudes in winter, they remind of hot countries and travel. We have great orchid bouquets. Perhaps you will like one of them.

A scientific work can be written about flowers and their characters. If you want to know more, read the articles on our website, and before buying, consult a specialist.

Bouquet for Valentine's Day

A very important point is the number of flowers in a bouquet. Especially if you buy, for example, roses by the piece. The fact is that many buds can give a girl false hope, and few can disappoint her beloved. So, at the beginning of a relationship, it is customary to give one rose. Three is already a declaration of love. Five is a neutral bouquet that speaks more of respect than love. Seven and nine are given with the wish of happiness. More than 11 roses are a hint of a serious relationship.

Nice little things

On Valentine's Day, along with a bouquet, it is appropriate to present a soft toy, other souvenir, or a sweet gift. Please note that there are both sweets and toys in our online store. In some Valentine's Day bouquets, candy complements the flower buds. Toys can be viewed on the corresponding page of the site. Here you will find bears, bunnies, and cats - in general, all animals for every taste.

We can offer you both modest and chic bouquets. Bright, passionate flowers, reminiscent of tropical countries or bouquets of restrained blue-blue hues in unison on winter evenings. We have a huge selection of compositions for every taste. There are dozens of different options for bouquets on our site. You can choose a gift yourself or consult with our specialist. We will be happy to help you!

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