Calla lilies bouquet

Wedding bouquet "Emerald"
Wedding bouquet "Emerald"
4400 ₽
Pink and white callas "Delight"
Pink and white callas "Delight"
6650 ₽

Bridal bouquet of calla lilies is a challenge to tradition. Due to the elongated stems and the simple shape of the bud, these flowers were initially associated with the masculine principle. Choosing calla lilies, the bride seems to declare that she is in no way inferior to her chosen one by strength of mind. But this meaning is not the only one. These delicate flowers without words speak of admiration for the beauty of the bride, her youth and charm. And in many cultures, these flowers are considered a symbol of well-being and family happiness.

Wedding bouquet of calla lilies for the bride

A classic wedding bouquet of calla lilies for the bride is made up of flowers with snow-white petals. Also popular are calla aromas with pink, red or orange buds. Cheerful yellow or black calla lilies look very impressive. The latter are used to create accents in prefabricated compositions.

What calla lilies go with

Mono bouquets are the cheapest choice. Complex multi-component bouquets will cost a little more. Roses, irises, freesias , orchids are ideally combined with calla lilies. In addition, calla are perfectly combined with ornamental greenery. When cut, calla lilies retain their freshness for up to two weeks. Before leaving the house, hold the bouquet in water so that its stems are saturated with moisture, and it will retain its original appearance until night.

Bridal bouquet of white calla lilies

Not enough time to purchase flowers in person? Then in the online store "Flower Delivery" you can buy a bridal bouquet with home delivery. Choose a bouquet and place your order - the rest of the work will be done by our specialists.
