Bouquet of mixed roses
Mixed bouquets of colorful roses are one of the most versatile gifts. A bouquet of mixed roses can be presented for any occasion, it has no gender or age restrictions. The only thing to consider when buying such a bouquet is its type. There are four types of such bouquets. They differ in the way they are composed. This method can affect the intended purpose of the composition.
What are they?

- The first type is a composition based on a similar color scheme. Florists use buds from shades that are close to each other in the color wheel to create it. Such bouquets, as a rule, in delicate pastel shades are suitable for a romantic gift for a young girl. They can be given to women from close circle - mother, grandmother, sister, wife.
- The second type of mixed compositions is contrasting. The most common combinations are blue and yellow, red and white. Red and white roses in one bouquet mean unity of opinion, intentions, union of male and female. It is customary to give such bouquets for a wedding anniversary or relationship, for an engagement or wedding. Blue and yellow bouquets of roses can be presented to a man for an anniversary or as a congratulation on professional achievements.
- The third way to combine multi-colored colors is associated with monochrome gamut. That is, the florist selects for one composition many shades of the same color, for example, pink. Such a bouquet is a great gift for a birthday or on a date. It symbolizes romance, youth, love, beauty.
- The fourth type of mixed bouquets is polychromatic. The most cheerful, bright and juicy compositions are assembled according to this scheme. After all, buds of all shades of the rainbow are combined here. This is how summer and spring bouquets are created. They will be a great gift for a professional holiday, anniversary or housewarming.
What do the different shades of roses mean?
Good to know that:
- Red roses mean not only love, but also the memory of people who died in an accident or on the battlefield;
- White roses mean sincerity and loyalty, but also purity of intentions, they can be given not only for a wedding, but also for business partners;
- Pink roses symbolize not only youth, but also a compliment to beauty, they can be given to everyone you admire;
- Yellow roses are not a sign of separation, they symbolize the sun, creative creative energy, this is the best gift for those who work in the field of art.
- Blue roses mean loyalty, they can be given not only to women, but also to men.
Where to buy?
You can order mixed roses in Moscow with delivery throughout the Russian Federation. The delivery rates and prices of the bouquet can be found on our website. We will be happy to help you by delivering the most beautiful bouquets to your doorstep to please your loved ones.