Rose ecuador

Bouquet of 11 Roses "Ecuador"
Bouquet of 11 Roses "Ecuador"
4550 ₽
Rose Ecuador "Mom's Lipstick"
Rose Ecuador "Mom's Lipstick"
8750 ₽
buy Ecuadorian roses in Moscow

Roses from Ecuador differ from all others in size and endurance. Some varieties can be up to two meters in height. They also have large buds. Despite the long transportation, Ecuadorian roses retain their freshness longer than domestic and European ones. This is their undeniable advantage over other colors.

The hardiness of Ecuadorian roses is due to the climate in which they are grown. Flower plantations are located high above sea level, they are planted on the slopes of extinct volcanoes, where the soil is well fertilized with ash. It is believed that & nbsp; there are the most favorable conditions on the globe for growing these flowers.

But Ecuadorian roses are valued not only for their endurance, but also for their decorative characteristics. They have a large bud and a very rich petal color. Depending on the variety, Ecuadorian roses can be wine red, yellow, white, pink, yellow-red or cream.

You can order Ecuadorian roses in our online store in Moscow with delivery to your home or office. The conditions and cost of delivery & nbsp; are indicated in the corresponding section. Delivery is carried out around the clock. You can place an order from anywhere in the world online or by phone.
