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Bridal bouquet of pink roses

buy a bridal bouquet from pink roses

Here you can choose and order a bridal bouquet of pink roses from professional florists. A wedding bouquet is not just a symbol. He has a special purpose - it is the focus of attention - the main decoration of the bride. Correctly selected flowers will make your look unforgettable. Pink roses are a classic option for any dress.

A wedding bouquet of pink roses attracts attention with its graceful beauty, looks elegant and romantic. Such a bouquet can evoke a wide range of positive emotions and will undoubtedly make the bride more graceful. No wonder the rose is considered one of the most popular flowers for bouquets.

We are a large online store offering only fresh flowers with round-the-clock delivery. Why is it profitable to buy flowers from us?

  • we can deliver the bouquet two hours after placing and paying for the order;
  • night delivery possible;
  • within Moscow delivery is free;
  • Delivery is possible throughout the Russian Federation;
  • before shipment, the bouquet is photographed and the photo is sent to the customer;
  • we can order not only a wedding bouquet, but also flowers for wedding decoration;
  • we accept almost any type of payment: cash, bank transfers and transfers from e-wallets.

An order can be placed at any time of the day or night by phone or online. Hurry to place your order before 22.00 so that the bouquet will be delivered before 9 a.m.

Our advantages
Бесплатная доставка за 2 часа  точно в срок

Free delivery in 2 hours just in time

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100% гарантия качества

100% quality guarantee

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