Flowers Orange Bouquet Orange Bouquet - photo #2

Orange Bouquet

9 roses, 3 eustomas, 15 ruscuses, 1 orange, 1 apple, 2 bananas, 1 pomegranate, grapes, currants, strawberries
5850 ₽
We will deliver in 2 hours
Freshness guarantee for flowers
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Is made of
sostav Rose Red Naomi 60 cm 9 pcs
sostav Ruscus 15 pcs
sostav White Eustoma 3 pcs
sostav Strawberry 250 g 1 pcs
sostav Banana 2 pcs
sostav Red Apple 1 pcs
sostav Orange 1 pcs
sostav Grape red 1 pcs
sostav Pomegranate 1 pcs
sostav Currant 250 g 1 pcs