Bouquet pink roses
You can buy pink roses at the flower delivery shop. We offer a large assortment of bouquets of roses. & Nbsp; These are both classic bouquets and original compositions, compiled taking into account the latest trends in floristic fashion. We are ready to satisfy even the most demanding customers.
We offer:
- large and small compositions;
- bouquets of pink roses in boxes, baskets, designer paper;
- compositions with inscriptions, sweets;
- heart-shaped bouquets ;
- compositions in which roses are harmoniously combined with orchids, freesias.
You are served by polite and attentive operators, who at any time you can clarify the details of the order, get advice, calculate the cost of delivery. We would like to please you: flower delivery in Moscow during the daytime is completely free (the minimum order value is from 1500 rubles).
Buy pink roses
The catalog contains photographs of compositions, indicates their composition, price. Add your favorite bouquets to the basket and complete your purchase. Our managers will contact to clarify the details (delivery time, recipient address, keeping your name secret, sending a message, and so on).
You can also call us by phone 8 800 775 27 48. The number is available around the clock, seven days a week and holidays. We speak not only Russian, but also English.
We guarantee that your bouquet will be collected by the best florists of the city from fresh flowers and will reach the recipient within the agreed time frame. Do you want to save? Follow our promotions and special offers, order flowers more often and get cumulative discounts.