Bouquet of 11 roses

11 bush roses "Necklace"
11 bush roses "Necklace"
2800 ₽
Bouquet of roses "Stranger"
Bouquet of roses "Stranger"
2350 ₽
Red roses "Elizabeth II"
Red roses "Elizabeth II"
2600 ₽
Bouquet of pink roses "Charm"
Bouquet of pink roses "Charm"
2250 ₽
White and pink roses "Menorca"
White and pink roses "Menorca"
2950 ₽
Flower heart "Coconut Rose"
Flower heart "Coconut Rose"
3800 ₽
White roses "Blanca"
White roses "Blanca"
2200 ₽
11 yellow roses "Dorada"
11 yellow roses "Dorada"
2350 ₽
11 Red roses "Scarlet Sails"
11 Red roses "Scarlet Sails"
2200 ₽
Yellow roses "Sunny Day"
Yellow roses "Sunny Day"
4100 ₽
Pink bouquet "Amelie"
Pink bouquet "Amelie"
2400 ₽
Multicolored roses "Prom"
Multicolored roses "Prom"
2650 ₽

Meaning of a bouquet of 11 roses

11 roses is the most versatile bouquet - it can look laconic or solemn, romantic or formal. Everything will depend on the setting in which you present it, as well as on its design and color.

For deciphering the meaning of the number 11, it is better to turn to esotericists and culturologists if the symbolism of the gift is important. According to some sources, in ancient times it was considered magical and meant changes in life.

The meaning of a rose in the language of flowers is no secret to anyone, it is a symbol of love. However, it may change depending on the color.

11 red roses are a great gift for your wife on your wedding anniversary. It means not only love, but also a desire to protect.

11 pink roses is a wish to find your soul mate. Such a bouquet can be presented to a young girl.

11 white roses - denote not only sincerity, but also the triumph of justice. White roses can be donated to a person working in justice.

11 yellow roses are suitable for a gift to a wife, mother, grandmother, to congratulate a friend or colleague. Perhaps such a bouquet of 11 roses would be inappropriate to look at on a first date or as a gift to an unfamiliar person, for example, a colleague.

In our online store there is a large selection of bouquets of 11 roses at a price of up to 2000 rubles. Delivery to your home or office. Before placing an order, you can consult with our manager by phone.
